Here at Unraveled, whether in our Workshop or our School, we talk a lot about DOING. Here's the thing, we have no idea what we are capable of, until we try, right? Sometimes it's really scary, especially when you are new, to TRY, and even more terrifying to put that work out into the world to be judged by other creatives. We get it. We have been there, trust us. But until you actually DO, you will never grow. You won't learn. You won't open the door to creative awareness. You won't find your artistic "WHYS". That is why we love our School's Facebook group so much. It's a safe place to push Students to DO and to SHARE, free of judgment and filled with support. Here are some of the many amazing images our Students have posted in the group this week! If you'd like to join us, click HERE. Your Tribe is waiting for you.