Inspiration (And Tips!!) for Your Photography This Halloween.

Halloween is potentially one of the best times of the year to get WEIRD with your photography. Suddenly, there are no rules. The weirder, the better!! Want to add tons of grain and shoot completely out of focus? Do it!! Want to to Photoshop yourself flying on a broomstick? Now is the time!! Get creepy and creative. Today, we are sharing some of the most creative Halloween-inspired images from our community members. They will also be sharing their settings and a few tips along the way!


Also, don’t miss these three spooky lessons inside the Academy. Join us for only $15.00 a month and gain access to these plus hundreds more courses, lessons and videos!!

Inspiration (And Tips!!) to Inspire Your Photography This Halloween.


Image by Marti Austin

135mm | 1/2500sec | f/2 | ISO 200

“I was going for the feel of one of those vintage photos that (I assume) were supposed to be cute but are actually super creepy of kids dressed up for Halloween. I converted to black and white, tilted it slightly, and added a slight motion blur and scratchy overlay.”


Image by Emily Hodge

Tip: watch Cassandra Castaneda's lesson on Witchy Wonder inside the Academy! These photos were taken in our kitchen!!!


Image by Cassandra Castaneda

Join her inside the Academy to learn how she edits her spectacular Halloween imagery!


Image by Bree Friesen

1/100, F5.6, ISO 6400


Image by Meredith Frye


Image by Tiffany Maksimowicz

ISO 1600 F 2.0 1/800

“Drizzle, Thick Clouds, Wild Fire Smoke and 45 mins before sunset, but it was a long drive so we got it done.”


Image by Erin Falkenham

35mm, f3.2 1/200 ISO 800

“Shot this with a LED wand light directly overhead in my dark basement to accentuate the shadows. Terrible positioning of light for a regular portrait but perfect for this.”


Image by Amanda Cleveland

35mm, ISO 250, f16, 1/4s


Image by Lisa Guardiola

35mm, 1.8, ISO 250, 1/5000


Image by Anna Hurley

35mm, f2.8 / ISO 100 / SS 1/200

“I use a black fleece blanket hanging on my backdoor to create a nice black background since fleece absorbs the light and gives a nice smooth black finish without highlights.”


Image by Cassie Perkins Duffle

85mm, f3.2 / SS1/200 / ISO 320

“This is just in front of my house. Kinda cheesy but my daughter LOVED it.”


Image by Lena Howard

35mm, 1.8 / SS1/500 / ISO 125

“This was taken in my driveway.”


Image by Michelle England

35mm f1.8 1/100 ISO200


Image by Allie McKinney Clarke

35mm, ISO 1600 1/250 f3.2

“It was incredibly dark in our house on this day so I had to crank up the ISO! My son did not help with the carving, but I caught him checking out the process!”


Image by Katie Blakeley

ISO 1000, F 3.2, SS 1/80


Image by Amber Shugars
F 2.2, ISO 100, SS 1/1250


Image by Danielle Trina

Watch her edit inside the Academy in her lesson, “Creating Whimsical Wonder.”


Image by Allie Clarke

35mm - ISO 800 1/640 f3.2


Image by Kaitlyn Clark

50mm, ISO 125 1/1250 f2.0


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