Kristen Vincent, Unraveled | An Interview

Kristen Vincent, Unraveled | An Interview

Kristen is an award-winning portrait and wedding photographer based in Southern California. She loves working side by side with her clients to create wardrobes with intention and choosing locations that speak to her client’s story. Kristen has traveled all over the country shooting styled family sessions, weddings and mentoring other photographers on how to grow their own business and create art that speaks to them and their clients.

For more inspiration from Kristen

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Here is Kristen, Unraveled…

What inspired your art? 

Both Motherhood and being a Nurse have inspired my work. The tenderness of life is not lost on me. I encourage Moms to get into the pictures because their kids want to look back at how their Mommas loved on them when they were little. I want a Dad to throw his kids in the air before they get too big to do so. I want a man to consider the couples session a date and to shower his love with affection. I have witnessed the unimaginable in trauma rooms, it’s so important to capture the love we have for people in our life. 

What do you shoot with? Camera body and favorite lens?

I’m a Canon girl. Canon Mark IV body. Canon 35 1.2 and Canon 24-70.

What other ways do you express your creativity?

I love to dance, sing and listen to nearly every style of music. I’ll stick to photography though. By the way my kids look mortified, it’s safe to say I’m not musically talented. 

How do you de-stress at the end of the day?

This is a safe place right? I’ll admit it, I am a reality show junkie. If it’s on Bravo, then I’ve probably watched it. 

What kind of music do you listen to while editing?

90’s anything, but mostly “Hip Hop BBQ” and “Country BBQ”. You’ll thank me later.

What is your favorite book?

I don’t have much time to read for pleasure. I did read No Opportunity Wasted in my 20’s and it was life changing for me. I’m pretty sure that view on life is the only way I am getting through the last year and my husbands cancer battle.

Name one movie that inspires you.

The Theory of Everything

How do you handle self-doubt or creative slumps?

I find a lot of joy in doing for others. I used to be an Emergency Room Registered Nurse, so focusing on helping others is part of who I am. If I can take the focus and pressure off of myself and focus on helping others, then it almost always bridges me back to something that fuels me creatively. 

What has been the most difficult part of your creative journey?

Finding my voice and style has been the most challenging. I was told so many times when starting out  that I needed to choose one area of photography. I’ve pushed against that for the last 10 years and have found my truth; I refuse to choose. I have been able to photograph families, babies, couples, weddings, headshots, products and real estate all within days of each other. You can do it all and be successful.  

Who is one of your favorite photographers?

Hailey Faria: Her ability to connect and take you through her vision into another era is awe inspiring. 

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