Unraveled Academy

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Liz Sparling of Cherrybird, Unraveled | An Interview

Hi there! I’m Liz Sparling, of Cherrybird Photography.  All of my life I have considered myself a creative. But it didn’t occur to me photography would be something that would consume me until I followed a few dead end career choices.  I majored in all things science in school, dropped out of a Master’s program for molecular biology, and even switched gears to become a labor and delivery RN for 5 years. But something was always missing. I tried anything and everything to fill my creative void. I sold hand painted stationery, large scale custom acrylic paintings, and even dabbled in cake making and website creation.

It wasn’t until I had my first baby in 2014 that I picked up a DSLR and taught myself everything I could to use it. Then I found what I had been missing. I LOVED and still love photography. It makes my heart sing and dance to create art from other families’ memories.

We are fortunate to say that Liz has one lesson, “The Styled Family” and one course “Golden Hour Family Newborn Photography” within the Academy and included in your monthly membership. If you are not enrolled in the Academy, join us now and gain access to all courses, lessons + videos (new + old!!)

For more inspiration from Liz:

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And here is Liz, Unraveled…

What inspired your art? Like most other momtographers out there, my kids were and still are my muse. I love to chase them for genuine moments and candid play.

What do you shoot with? Camera body and favorite lens? I shoot with a Nikon d810 and a Nikkor 35mm 1.4 is generally always on my camera.

What other ways do you express your creativity? I paint, attempt to bake, and have recently started a personal instagram account to hold me accountable at taking more pictures of my kids :)

How do you de-stress at the end of the day? My favorite thing to do to unwind and disappear from the world (and hide from my family) is to disappear in the bathtub for hours. I also de-stress with chocolate:)

What kind of music do you listen to while editing? I typically edit in silence these days. Since most of my days are spent chasing toddlers, I need the quiet to recharge and refocus. But the occasional Netflix show or Spotify station for Lord Huron or Panic at the Disco may be on when I need something for background noise.

What is your favorite book? Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert

Name one movie that inspires you. Practical Magic.

How do you handle self-doubt or creative slumps? Not well. Ha. Typically I will go through cycles of creative slumps or self doubt and I will completely fall apart. But I have to remind myself it’s just a phase and it’s part of growing. I can usually pull through it by spending as much time in nature as I can. Going for walks, sitting by the lake, focusing on other hobbies, exploring new locations for shoots. Anything to get out of my house, step away from work for awhile, and give myself some grace and some time to breathe.

What has been the most difficult part of your creative journey? Comparison. Like so many others out there, it is so hard not to play the comparison game. Especially in this age of social media. It can be downright crippling at times.

Who is one of your favorite photographers? I have so many. There is an insane amount of talent and inspiration everywhere you look. But I’ve always loved Twig and Olive. They were heavy influences on my style as I started out, and I’m always drawn to their gorgeous landscapes and editing style. I took one of their workshops this year and it was so magical. But also: Hailey Faria, Kristina Boyd, Tarah Sweeney, are my current loves