Unraveled Academy

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Our Students, Unraveled | Just Bloom.

So you know how everyone says, “don’t play the comparison game” in regards to art. Well, I just spent my morning perusing through 500 images (that were all submitted in less than 12 hours) and could not for the life of me figure out which ones deserved to be featured most. If I am being completely honest, I was absolutely comparing my art to yours. But, at the same time, I was welcoming it because I believe that surrounding yourself with greatness, makes you greater. Allowing others to influence your vision, only enhances it. Which reminds me of the quote: “no one can make you feel inferior without your consent!” Ah-ha! I could not agree more. We can compare our art, and sit in the presence of beauty and greatness but we do NOT HAVE to consent to jealously and inferiority. We can simply allow it to stew inside of us until we ourselves have a passion to create something just as great.

So, look over these images. Allow yourself to appreciate them all deeply but do not for one second feel inferior if yours was not selected. You are who you surround yourself with. Your greatness matches theirs.

“A flower does not think of competing with the flower next to it. It just blooms.”

Jean Snyder Ubben

Jackie Greenaway

Aly Joy Nickerson

Azure Mahara

Jaime Hough

Laura Gentry

Lillian Reitz

Melissa Hunt

Candace Paquin

Amber Leigh Hausler

Melissa Sessa

Lani Louise Glennen

Angie Rethwisch

Bonnie Maree

Kailey Nagymarosi

Rachel Jones

Nikki Hollett

Natalie Curry

Unraveled Artist of the Year:

Each week, we choose one artist to be named as an Unraveled Artist of the Year. We look forward to sharing our 2019 list of noteworthy artists in the next coming months.

This week, we choose Dee Leslie whose portrait is whimsical and full of rich Autumn tones.

Dee Leslie