Unraveled Academy

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Our Students, Unraveled | August 16, 2022

“Creativity is one of your greatest gifts. It resides deep inside you impacting your every thought. It is attached to a never ending source and is one of the main aspects of who you are. Your very essence is as a creator. No one creates exactly like you do. Your thoughts and actions color the world.”

― Renae A. Sauter

Maggie Rechkemmer

Courtney Maxwell Heckler

Mariah Clemons

Mriss Mc

Jessica Cronin

Jennifer DiLeo

Mel Roselli Madden

Sasha Casta

Alex Roe

Corinne Parker

Deidre Lynch

Brittany Lee Hellmeister

Vanessa Falcone

Audra Lynn

Zara Sarson Photography

Kelley Lotosky

Summer Hughes

Ashley Stolz Stein

Stephanie Cabrera

Katie Mitzelfelt

Lani Louise Glennen

Please put your hands together for our very own Annie Dunigan who is our newest 2022 Unraveled Artist of the Year!

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