Unraveled Academy

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Our Students, Unraveled | February 2, 2020.

Oh Monday, you beautiful bitch, you.

Ok, ok, ok… it’s time to amp up the volume for your week. And what better way to kick it off than with an insane amount of inspiration from our incredible Student body?? Please join us in honoring the Unraveled Artists who have been featured today. And when you’re ready to join us….

Annie Morgan Hock

Carly Navarrete

Emily Hodge

Jennifer Bridge

Kelly S. Ann

Lola Vargas

Lorna Gamble

Magali Cha Cha

Megan Thomas Misson, In Loving Memory of Lily

Mel Roselli Madden

MeRissa Wakefield

Mo Storey

Naomi Grace Read

Natalie Van

Nicci Marie

Please put your hands together for our Pip Williams, as she snags her spot with the 2020 Unraveled Artists of the Year. The colors, the light, the movement, the nostalgia… this image is simply incredible. Congrats Pip!

Rachel Bausch

Sarah Garman

Shannon Jones Douglas

Tanya Biglieri