Unraveled Academy

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Our Students, Unraveled | February 24, 2020

Each week we have the trill of showcasing art created by our members. It’s not about likes or number of followers or “who’s who”. Hell, it’s not even about getting featured. It’s about sharing our hearts with others in the form of photographs. And those photographs speak to others on a human level, so we must share them here. So, without further delay, here are our Students, Unraveled.

Allison DeLuca

Amanda Dietschweiler

Anca Clivet

Angie Rethwisch

Ashley Kaplan

Please put your hands together for our Bobbi Sue Clark, as she snags her spot with the 2020 Unraveled Artists of the Year with this incredible portrait!

Brittany Grubbs

Courtney Maxwell Heckler

Dana Whitley

Danielle Thurman Trina

Evelyn Cirignotta

Jade Averil

Jenea Mackrell

Jessica Kish

Kristen Riches

Lindsay Cogdon-Leslie

Lindsey Delisle Prosperie

Meg Koning

Natalie Curry

Samantha Dell