Our Students Unraveled | Finding Your Voice
As photographers and artists, we all spend so much time mulling over how to find our voice. We ask ourselves: what do I have to say that is unique? How can I stand out? What do I like to photograph and what tones am I drawn to? Am I dark and moody? Am I light and airy?
Now, looking back, years after trying way too may editing styles and going through way too many awkward stages in my photography, I would say this: it doesn’t matter. It is not the final destination that matters most, it’s the journey. You learn so much about yourself along the journey. Follow your heart. Edit every image the way you want. Do not be afraid of change, it’s simply a sign of growth.
Here are some beautiful artists who are embracing their voice and what they love most, each one unique:
Unraveled Artist of the Year:
Kate Siobhan Mulligan
Congratulations to Kate for being named one of Unraveled’s artists of the year! Your travel photography is exhilarating, unique and stirs up a desire in all of us to see the world and embrace our wanderlust.
Still trying to find your voice? Join our nurturing community that will hold your hand and help you learn and become inspired daily. This is your creative journey, do it well. Join us at Unraveled today for only $15.00 a month and gain access to hundreds of courses, lessons and videos that will help you find your voice: