Unraveled Academy

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Our Students, Unraveled | July 20, 2022

“Do whatever brings you to life, then. Follow your own fascinations, obsessions, and compulsions. Trust them. Create whatever causes a revolution in your heart.”

Elizabeth Gilbert

Jessica Ann

Chloè Gobea Rosser

Allie McKinney Clarke

Sam Savage

Lena Howard

Jean Snyder Ubben

Brianna Rannells

Jordan Costello

Crystal Lee

Annie Nelson

Kade Bailey

Lou Agnew

Jane Peterson

Stacey Chadbourne

Bailey Miller

Natalea Kelly

Katy White

Lindsay Congdon-Leslie

Amanda McConnell Crow

Natalie Curry

Megan Springer

Sasha Casta

Please put your hands together for our very own Brittany DeJesus, who is our newest 2022 Unraveled Artist of the Year!

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