Unraveled Academy

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Our Students, Unraveled | March 16, 2020

We believe that now, more than ever, it is important to look for the beauty in the madness. We need to stop and look for the helpers. We need to tell the stories that are unfolding in front our eyes. Even if those are just the simple stories inside the safety of your home. We would love for our community to agree on one thing: we MUST stay united while apart. We must remember to be there for one another, no matter what.

Today we are sharing the beautiful work from our community members. Today we are choosing to see and share the good. Stay safe. Stay healthy.

Rachel Jones

Hannah Chapman

Alicia Silva

Amber Leigh Hausler

Amber Thorson

Shelby Vercelli

Becky Caponetti

Jessica Butler

Kelley Lotosky

Krissy Vance

Kristen Fritz-Martin

Alexis Fitzgerald

Melanie Heinlein Dalton

Melissa Richard

Kate Siobhan Mulligan

Rosalie Voortman

Stephanie Frank

Toni Botas

Tiffani Danielle

Lea Ortiz

We are honored to announce that Bailey Miller has snagged a spot as a 2020 Unraveled Artist of the Year with the following image. This double exposure is powerful and calming all at the same time. Thank you for sharing your art with us Bailey.

Bailey Miller