Unraveled Academy

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Our Students, Unraveled | May 16, 2023

β€œTo create art with all the passion in one's soul is to live art with all the beauty in one's heart.”

― Aberjhani

Karolina Pora

Meghan Paxton

Aleishia Hrnciar

Stacey Chadbourne

Lisa Olohan

Emily Hodge

Alexis Peterson

Meagan Renee Gaines

Allie Sherman Wellner

Elya Myers

Amanda McCollum

Amanda Cleveland

Leah Blanche Photography

Erin Jackson

Candace Castor

Jill Koskelin

Jill Wagner

Leah Evans

Karin Roberts

Evelyn Cirignotta

Bridgett Samuelson

Julie White

Alima Blackwell

Courtney Maxwell

Jordan Costello

Marcie Weiszbrod

Margaux Lenee' Fischer

Zoe Hather Photography

Annie Nelson

Sasha Casta

Joelle Martinec

Anna Hurley

Please put your hands together for our very own Sanna Töykkälä who is our newest 2023 Unraveled Artist of the Year!

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