Our Students, Unraveled | May 18, 2020
“To create something exceptional, your mindset must be relentlessly focused on the smallest detail.”
- Giorgio Armani
This weeks student feature is focused on the details and the inspiration that comes when we allow ourselves to zero in on the parts that often go unseen. It’s been said before that even a tiny drop of ink may make a million people think and we believe that on so many scales. We all have times of feeling inadequate or small, like we contribute nothing to the bigger picture, but we hope these images show you that’s simply not true. You are not small, you’ve just never been given the proper focus. We want to challenge any creative who has ever felt their work was insignificant to take a chance this week and share your heart… you never know who you might inspire!
Please put your hands together for our Sarai Jacobs , who has claimed her rightful place with the 2020 Unraveled Artists of the Year! Sarai is a true queen of detail shots and we could not be more excited to feature her work this week!
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