Unraveled Academy

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Our Students, Unraveled | May 24, 2022

“Art is unquestionably one of the purest and highest elements in human happiness. It trains the mind through the eye, and the eye through the mind. As the sun colours flowers, so does art colour life.”

― John Lubbock

Meg Koning

Brittany Reyes

Elya Myers

Lena Howard

Bridgett Samuelson

Meagan Renee Gaines

Emily Hodge

Alexa Rae Davidson

Emily Fortune

Skylar Jordan

Amery Wilson

Stephanie Cabrera

Tara Lee Visconti

Sharyce April

Ashley Neuworth

Stephanie Wheelock

Shelby Gill

Melissa Oakley Hunt

Shelby Vercelli

Mo Storey

Deidre Lynch

Susan Lemke

Lou Agnew

Catherine Holmes

Joelle Martinec

Tracy Dawn

Anna Hurley

Makenzie Neely

Please put your hands together for our very own Aleishia Hrnciar, who is our newest 2022 Unraveled Artist of the Year!

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