When Photographers Stay Home | United While Apart
Photographers, as a whole, are deep feelers. You know that quote, “it is both a blessing and a curse to feel everything so deeply?” Well, we believe it sums up the head and heart of (just about) every photographer. The world is always speaking to us. We cannot help but see the teeniest patch of light and become entranced by it’s magic. Everywhere we look, a photograph is being made. A memory is whispering to be captured. Time is fleeting and we have this unshakeable desire to keep looking, noticing, and memorizing the lines and crevices of every single detail that lies before us. It takes being able to stop and really SEE something to be a photographer. It takes connection and attention to detail. It takes bravery and honesty.
So what happens when photographers stay home? What happens when the world is crumbling around us and we have to stay within our own four walls? Well, we start looking around in every nook and to every person to find silver linings and beauty…even when it seems to hide amongst the shadows and in the most unlikely of places. We have to look harder and get scrappy. So, we wipe away the tears, put on a brave face and push through – trying new angles, techniques, adding color, embracing shadows, ANYTHING that makes us FEEL something other than afraid.
The fact is: when photographers stay home, we are still united, even though we are apart. We are still all deep feelers even though it takes more perseverance to see the good. We are still here and so is the beauty….we just can’t look away or we may miss it.
Today we are bringing you the beauty in the madness, and showing you what it looks like when photographers stay home.