Unraveled Expert Artist Interview | Anna Kruse, UEA

Unraveled Expert Artist Interview | Anna Kruse, UEA

We are so happy to welcome Anna Kruse to the blog today as one of our latest Unraveled Expert Artists!

Anna is located in Kelso, Washington. She specializes in family , motherhood and couple sessions. Anna's approach to her session is more of an emotional storytelling style and loves incorporating bold colors. Her imagery is full of beautiful, saturated colors and connection. She is originally from El Paso Texas. Moved to the PNW 10 years ago and picked up her camera after becoming a stay at home mom. One of Anna's enjoyments is spending time with her family and enjoys good Mexican food.

We are so thrilled to watch her continue to grow and will forever look forward to seeing her work light up our community with bold, vibrant colors and moments full of movement and love.

Unraveled Expert Artists are leaders in the community and the first to be considered for instructor opportunities. Learn more HERE.

For more inspiration from Anna:

Instagram | Website | Facebook


Here is Anna, Unraveled…

What inspires your art? 

Tomorrow is never promised, a picture can hold a thousand words so lets make it good.

What do you shoot with? Camera body and favorite lens? 

Canon 6d Mark II and my favorite lens is the Tamron 35-1.4.

What other ways do you express your creativity?

Model calls and I like going back to old edits and try so wildly different than how I originally do things just to push limits.

How do you de-stress at the end of the day? 

I like to drink coffee and watch a show. I like getting lost in something good.

What kind of music do you listen to while editing? 

I love Khalid, more because his music is so much about El Paso and it takes me home.

What is your favorite book? 

Oh gosh, I have not read in a while but I love anything from Nicholas Sparks.

Name one movie that inspires you. 

"The Notebook", I know.. but its so full of love.

How do you handle self-doubt or creative slumps? 

I have surrounded myself with a good group of photographer friends in my social media that I reach out too. I am so thankful to God for them.

What has been the most difficult part of your creative journey?

Trying to find my voice and stand out. So many times I have felt like a needle in a hay stack.

What is your favorite pizza topping?

I love olive and pineapple pizza.

What is your most favorite kind of light and why?

I love blue hour, the way the sky looks is so pretty and blue. Also makes colors stand out so differently.

Who is one of your favorite photographers? 

Oh goodness gracious, Twyla Jones and Stormy Solis hands down.

What is your favorite course or lesson at Unraveled? 

My favorite is "Styling with heart+intentions with Stormy Solis"- after watching it, I knew exactly the direction I wanted to go with my art.

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