Unraveled Academy

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Unraveled Expert Artist Interview | Katy Stewart, UEA

Katy Stewart is the South Okanagan's Storyteller of Motherhood located in the small town of Summerland, British Columbia, Canada. She finds joy in capturing families, emotive maternity, and family centred newborn sessions. When she's not behind the lens or her computer, she's spending time with her husband Kris and her son Kezlin who are her greatest supporters. Her 3 year old son Kezlin gives her the drive and motivation that pushes her every day, and is who inspired her to become a Storytelling Photographer.
Katy has struggled with extreme anxiety since she was a child. With that anxiety comes many fears, and one of those fears is growing older and leaving this world behind. So a way to cope with comfort is to provide endless photos her son can look back on and remember not only the memories, but the way things felt through those images. It's her way of leaving an imprint on this Earth for her son to forever remember her love for him. She focuses on capturing connection over perfection and transfers that impression into her client work as well. The pressure of everything being visually appealing in today's world with social media and motherhood expectations overwhelms her, so she breaks that pressure by assuring families to be their authentic selves. The perfection is only the book's cover, but she wants to open the pages to tell a family's real story. In those moments, nobody is judging their motherhood journey. Their fatherhood journey. Their parenthood journey. Sometimes you have to let go of having a perfect horizon in your images, and focus on how a child reached up to softly touch their mama's cheek, the chaos, the raw, and the wild. The story behind the image, the story behind the book cover. Katy takes this passion and focus, and integrates it with being heavily involved in styling and taking families to epic locations. Her editing is described as being bold, dramatic, colour chasing and full of warmth. These elements together is what creates the cohesive art she envisions, and captures families in a poetic way.

Unraveled Expert Artists are leaders in the community and the first to be considered for instructor opportunities. Learn more HERE.

For more inspiration from Katy:

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Here is Katy, Unraveled..

What inspires your art? 

Movement, golden light, water, the strength of women, nature and everything that keeps us grounded to our Earth.

What do you shoot with? Camera body and favorite lens? 

Canon EOS R and 35 mm 1.4 RF lens

What other ways do you express your creativity?

Photography is my main creative outlet. Everything else I do seems to be revolving around that. When I go shopping I think, "will that photograph well for self portraits?" When I'm re-decorating my home, "will this compliment my prints hung on the walls?"

How do you de-stress at the end of the day? 

Getting cozy on the couch with a big soft blanket, a big cup of tea and a good movie.

What kind of music do you listen to while editing? 

I'm actually not a music editor! I edit on my MacBook Pro on the couch and listen to my Netflix binge while editing. If I do happen to put on some music, I love a good Indie Folk tune or some classic Frank Sinatra, or I'll throw on a photography podcast.

What is your favorite book? 

I used to love reading books. As a full time business owner and a busy boy mama, I haven't read a book since I had my son. Looking back, I think my favourite book was A Million Little Pieces by James Frey.

Name one movie that inspires you. 

I haven't walked away from a moving feeling specifically inspired, but I will say I'll watch the entire Harry Potter series anywhere, anytime.

How do you handle self-doubt or creative slumps? 

Photographing for myself. I'll do indoor or outdoor self portraits with my son to help express how I'm feeling. I can edit it however I want to without the fear of it not being liked by a client. Once I share it with the world, it's usually followed by a multiple bookings by Clients who wish to be captured in the same way so I'm lifted up again knowing I expressed myself creatively and just attracted more of my ideal clients.

What has been the most difficult part of your creative journey?

Finding work & home life balance, marketing to make sure I'm booking ideal clients who truly love my work and what I represent as an artist, and recognizing other artists in the community who are there to support you and who are there trying to bring you down. I'm so thankful for the other artists in my community who have pushed me to be better, who have cheered me on and have opened their arms with positivity and friendship as I entered the photography community. It's heartbreaking to run into photographers who are envious and try to hurt your reputation when we're all just here trying to express our own unique creativity. I am forever an advocate for community over competition.

What is your favorite pizza topping?

Cheese, extra cheese, more cheese, and crust stuffed with cheese.

What is your most favorite kind of light and why?

Golden Light. It's soft and luminous, and is what helps my work accomplish the warmth and magic I strive for in my branding and style.

Who is one of your favorite photographers? 

Stormy Solis in Denver, Colorado.

What is your favorite course or lesson at Unraveled? 

Styling with Heart + Intention with Stormy Solis