Unraveled Expert Artist Interview  |  Lindhe Currie, UEA

Unraveled Expert Artist Interview | Lindhe Currie, UEA

Lindhe Curry is one of our newest Unraveled Expert Artists and we are so happy to have her here on the blog today!! Lindhe’s work is nostalgic, skillfully composed, full of life (and color), and she has a knack for zeroing in on the details that truly matter.

Lindhe is an introvert, wife and mama. She finds joy in documenting her everyday life with her husband, little girl, and tiny pup - the beautiful mess that it is. Based in Phoenix, AZ Lindhe mostly snaps photos for herself but sometimes dabbles with client work. Lindhe's ideal day is sleeping in, wandering target, and squeezing in an afternoon nap before snuggling up for a family movie.

For more inspiration from Lindhe:

Instagram | Website

Here is Lindhe, Unraveled…

What inspires your art?

Growing up, my dad took tons of photos and videos of us. For as long as I can remember I've loved pouring through our family photo albums to relive memories. I want that for my kids. I want to leave them with tangible memories that they can share with their kids.

What do you shoot with? Camera body and favorite lens?

I shoot with a Canon EOS R and mostly a 35mm f2. Recently got a 24mm sigma and I'm loving it!

What other ways do you express your creativity?

I enjoy painting, though I hardly have the opportunity to anymore. Doodling in procreate has consumed many of my evenings.

How do you de-stress at the end of the day?

Many stressful days end with my husband and I on the couch watching whatever sitcom we are plowing through. Currently it's Seinfeld. Add it some ice cream and I'm a happy girl.

What kind of music do you listen to while editing?

I'm that person people hate and I'm not super into music. I often just play a 'mood' playlist on Spotify. I usually go for folk music or soundtracks. Mostly I watch Queer Eye while I edit these days.

What is your favorite book?

Pride and Prejudice. I will never tire of reading it and try to every couple years.

Name one movie that inspires you.

To Catch a Thief. A Cary Grant and Grace Kelly mystery on the French Riviera? I mean, come on.

How do you handle self-doubt or creative slumps?

It depends what is prompting the slump. When it's a depression low, I'll try to do some self portraits. It's really cathartic to create for only me, really just showcasing exactly how I feel in the moment. If the slump is from imposter syndrome or fatigue, I take a break. I stop pressuring myself to create until I'm ready again.

What has been the most difficult part of your creative journey?

I'm naturally pretty introverted, so exposing myself as a "photographer" was really hard. Making my photography account public and sharing it with friends was horrifying, but I'm so glad I did.

What is your favorite pizza topping?

I'm lame and really just go for a classic cheese with pepperoni. Or BBQ Chicken if I'm feeling spicy.

What is your most favorite kind of light and why?

Good window light is my jam for anything at home. Bonus if it has added interest from the blinds.

Who is one of your favorite photographers?

I have so many that I admire! Allie Clarke's documentary work is *chefs kiss*. Also, Maggie Rechkemmer, Tracy Vagg, and Anna Hurley. My all time favorite is Sam Davis of happyhippophotography because her work is stunning and she's an all time favorite human of mine.

What is your favorite course or lesson at Unraveled?

Seeing Your Home in a New Light with Karen Dell.

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