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Unraveled Expert Artist Interview | Sarai Jacobs, Unraveled

 Sarai Jacobs is a documentary and Fresh 48 photographer in the Seattle Area. She’s a married mom of four who was born in Panama and speaks fluent Spanish. Sarai spends the majority of her time balancing her family and small business. She is a lover of people, art, movies, games, interior design and food. We are proud to say that Sarai is now an Unraveled Expert Artist. One of the things that stood out to us when reviewing Sarai’s portfolio submission was her uncanny ability to notice and document the most beautiful details. While many photographers would focus on documenting the wide angle scene, Sarai knows that it’s the tiny little details that add up to make the greatest and biggest memories. We are so thrilled to announce that Sarai is joining our team of Unraveled instructors in the Fall of 2020 with her lesson on documenting the details.

To learn more about becoming an Unraveled Expert Artist. please visit HERE.

For more inspiration from Sarai:

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Here is Sarai, Unraveled….

What inspired your art?

My kids. Mothering is hard. Probably one of the hardest things I've ever done. It's a constant giving of oneself until there is nothing left to give, to wake up in the AM and do it all over again. So I use pictures as a reminder that even when it's hard, there is good. So much good.

What do you shoot with? Camera body and favorite lens?

Mark IV with a 35 1.4. Always! I’ve gone through a few lenses over the years and I always go back to my 35. Its my workhorse

What other ways do you express your creativity?

Interior design. When I'm not mothering or shooting, I'm decorating. I love finding new ways to change things up in my house. Once I get an DIY idea, I hyper-focus on that until I see it to completion.

How do you de-stress at the end of the day?

Write. I often write my thoughts out. It helps me settle. My mind is always going a mile a min, so at the end of the day, I like to write things out so that I don't allow them to keep stirring in my mind.

What kind of music do you listen to while editing?

Oh man, this is a tough question. I am such a music lover, so it's hard to pinpoint. My #1 choice is probably hip-hop. Drake, Travis Scott, Kendrick Lamar, are some of my go-to's. Lauryn Hill is played often. I'm currently obsessed with Billie Eilish. Oh, also, the Stranger Things soundtrack is on heavy rotation. My Spotify is all over the place!

What is your favorite book?

Redeeming Love.

Name one movie that inspires you.

Cool Runnings.

What has been the most difficult part of your creative journey?

Balance. I want to be great at so many things. I want to be a great wife. I want to be a great mother. I want to be a great friend. I want to be a great photographer. I've found that being great at each of those things, all the time, can lead to disappointment. And in my case, can lead to burnout. I've come along way in this area, but when I feel balanced, I feel better equipped to handle my day to day. I have learned to prioritize and trust the process. Forcing the come-up, while trying to maintain a healthy home life, didn't work for me.

Who is one of your favorite photographers?

I have so many favorites! But if I had to pick one, I'd go with Tarah Sweeney. Her use of light gets me every time.

How do you handle selfdoubt or creative slumps?

Sometimes I pull away and put down my camera I emerge myself in my family and wait. its ok to wait. its ok not to feel something but when it comes it comes strong.

What is your favorite course or lesson at unraveled?

Keep me Where the Light is with Lindsey Saunders. I also really loved her Color in Theory. Both very super informative and taught me things I didn't know.

What is your favorite pizza topping?


What is your most favorite kind of light and why?

I really love golden hour light. I love the warm, cozy feeling it provides in photos. I live for the golden tones.