Unraveled Expert Artist | Sarah Maverick

Sarah Maverick is an award-winning Lifestyle and DFW Newborn Photographer in Dallas, Texas. Her work can be seen in publications such as The Bump, Beauty and Lifestyle Mommy Magazine, and Southern Motherhood Magazine. She has been named one of the Top 10 Authentic Family Photographers in the country. She is also a leader and mentor for the BEC Photography Community and part of the Spectrum Inspired Community for Families of children on the Autism Spectrum.

In 2020, she has been named one of the Artists of the Year for Unraveled Academy – and now we are happy to announce that she is also an Unraveled Expert Artist and soon to be instructor here at the Academy.

Her work is known for it's true to life color quality, raw content, and emotion.  What we love about her most is her honesty, bluntness, and unwavering courage to be exactly who she is and create exactly what she wants without fear of judgment.

For more inspiration from Sarah:

Instagram | Website | Facebook

Here is Sarah, Unraveled…

What inspired your art?

To put it simply, women. I like to tell women stories. The raw and natural sensuality of a women is so exploited and at the same time alienated by our society. I am inspired by the opportunity to tell the stories just as they are, and allowing the natural beauty of that to translate.

What do you shoot with? Camera body and favorite lens?

I shoot with a 6D Mark II currently. I shoot on my Sigma Art 35 mm the most.

What other ways do you express your creativity?

My first love was music by far. I started playing guitar and writing songs in middle school and got serious about sharing it after high school. I used to play around town in dive bars and pubs when I was younger (and prettier) ha! That was my first outlet that I could really express myself emotionally. I hate to admit that it has taken a far back burner since evolving my photography into my profession and sole income, but my love of music and writing is still very strong.

How do you de-stress at the end of the day?

Diet Dr. Pepper, Cannabis, Cigarette. - If that can't be printed please put something that sounds profound.

What kind of music do you listen to while editing?

I rock Birdie often. Taylor Swift. Fleetwood Mac. Halsy. I find that I put on music that I think matches what I am editing. I guess I am just one of those emo kids that always needs to be feeling.

What is your favorite book?

My favorite book is I know why the cage bird sings By Maya Angelou.

Name one movie that inspires you.

Moana. She is by far the most emotionally deep disney princess there is. That movie makes me feel all the things and is so relatable. I am generally not a cartoon person but that movie just has a special place in my heart.

What has been the most difficult part of your creative journey?

I think the biggest challenge for me, and truth be told probably for most small business owners, is learning how to balance your business and your personal life. It is so hard to set boundaries when you are a creative person by nature and you also are responsible for doing everything by yourself. I think part of my success in maintaining has been having a loving and understanding family that supports me through anything, amazing assistants and mentors that lift me up and make me look very good with their amazing talent and ability, and the best clients anyone could hope for.

Who is one of your favorite photographers?

I have been really digging Sally Mann

How do you handle self doubt or creative slumps?

Just push through it. It it such a natural and common thing in this chosen profession. I really treat it like part of the job. If I am having a self doubt day or can't hear my voice, I just go grab a snack get on the couch and put on Maury. I have learned to give myself permission to not be great every single day. Some days it is Ok to just hide.

What is your favorite course or lesson at unraveled?

Coming Home- Keziah Kelsey

What is your favorite pizza topping?


What is your most favorite kind of light and why?

Dappled light is my guilty pleasure


Our Students, Unraveled | September 7th, 2020


Anna Tenne, Unraveled