Unraveled Academy

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Unraveled Student Features | Make Me FEEL

It’s hard to say exactly what we look for when selecting images to feature here on the blog and on our Instagram but mostly we are looking for THAT FEELING. You know, that feeling that pulls you in and requires you to stare or cry or laugh your ass off, or simply stop and acknowledge the power of a photograph. Whether it’s an image of the chubbiest cheeks you ever did see and it forces you to dwell on the fact that childhood is quick and fleeting; or whether it is an image of two people so deeply in love that you suddenly believe that there is someone for everyone; or whether it is a simple family portrait that reminds you that plain and ordinary can be exquisite. A photograph is the best way that we know how to make people stop and FEEL something.

Here are just a few of our favorites this week. Please be certain to scroll to the bottom of this post to see who we selected as one of our Unraveled Artists of the Year. Congrats to all of the artists below!

If you are not already a member, please consider signing up to day to join one of the most beautiful and uplifting photography communities available today! You also gain access to hundreds of courses, lessons and videos for only $15.00 a month. Let’s be honest, that is less than your monthly Starbucks addiction!

Elise Meader

Diana Christine Riley

Emily Townley

Dani Burnett

Aly Joy Nickerson

Kishelle Linenko

Monica Salazar

Candace Paquin

Halie Zeimet

Unraveled Artist of the Year

Kristin Holmvik Solem

Congrats on earning this honor Kristin! We loved the movement, depth, tones and emotion present in this image of yours. Thank you for being part of our community.

Kristin Holmvik Solem

Congrats to all the featured artists!!!