Jessica Miller, Unraveled | An Interview

Jessica Miller, Unraveled | An Interview

Jessica is a family photographer who was born and raised in Massachusetts. She’s always had a creative spirit, but never knew how to channel the energy and it wasn’t until she had her first baby that she discovered her passion for photography. She dove in, head first, much like a lot of things in her life. She was determined to not only document her family, but to create art for other families to cherish. She helps run a Planet Fitness empire by day, snuggles her babies at night, and documents sweet families whenever she gets the opportunity.

For more inspiration from Jess:

Instagram | Facebook

And check out her Course included within the Academy: Life Indoors


Here is Jessica Miller, Unraveled…

What inspired your art?

Definitely my kids. Their carefree nature and unpredictable ways help me look at things a little bit different.

What do you shoot with? Camera body and favorite lens?

I have a canon 6d and my favorite lens, by far, is my Canon 35mm 1.4, it gives me plenty of room to capture inside and gets me wide landscape for outdoor shots.

What other ways do you express your creativity?

I have a espresso obsession… to the point where I was determined to learn how to create latte art. So, almost every morning while the kids are running around my ankles, I try to pour myself something fun and pretty. It’s been 4 years and I’m still learning to pour.

How do you de-stress at the end of the day?

A mix of things, sometimes it’s a dance party in the kitchen, a glass of wine or a nice easy run. I workout almost every day, which helps my mind decompress. Sometimes there’s no off switch until I get my body moving.

What kind of music do you listen to while editing?

Leon Bridges has to be my favorite artist. His soulful sound is crazy angellic. Theres also a station on my Alexa thats called Mellow Folk… its kind of amazing. I listen to it almost every second of the day when I’m at home. My kids equally love it, which is a huge win.

What is your favorite book?

Truth: I haven’t picked up a book in so long, it’s really sad. Every time I try to read, I get distracted with house work. But, I’ll admit, it’s probably something cheesy, like The Notebook. Another great one, but super geeky is “Smart Money Smart Kids”, its helped me teach my kids the value of working for a dollar.

Name one movie that inspires you.

Remember the Titans.I watched this when I was 11. The morning after, I started to run… just one of those movies that will stay with me forever.

How do you handle self-doubt or creative slumps?

I feel like I’m always in a creative block, it’s hard, but I try to just embrace it knowing that it’s only going to make me learn a little more about myself. I love visiting new places with my kids. They’re my muses and sometimes an adventure with them is all that's needed.

What has been the most difficult part of your creative journey?

The hardest part is trying not to compare my work to others. In this age of Social Media, it's a great avenue to find inspiration and meet other creatives but it's also easy to feel discouraged. Over the past couple years, I’ve been trying to find a balance of inspiration and trust within myself to create what makes me happy and push my own personal boundaries.

Who is one of your favorite photographers?

Oh my...theres too many! If I were to pick the first one that comes to mind, it would be Twyla Jones. Every photo tells an emotive story. You can always just feel the movement, love and chaos.

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