Unraveled Academy

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Student Features + Release Week, YAS!

It’s MonYAY!! Is that a thing? No? Well when you love what you do, I think it kind of is, right?

Personally, it’s our favorite kind of Monday — when student features and release week both align!!

With more and more submissions to our student feature blog, we are officially picking our top 15 each week from here on out, rather than just 10. Our thought process: 20 is too much, 10 is too little and 15 feels just right.

Also, we have some pretty epic courses and lessons being released this week in the Academy, including courses on studio portraiture and lighting, Editorial photography, a beginner lesson on documenting childhood, life as a traveling photographer AND a spooky Halloween themed lesson to hit you in those October guts. You can go to our Upcoming Course Calendar HERE to check them out, or watch them roll into our Course Catalogue HERE.

Check out the amazing work of our Unraveled community members below here:

Stephanie Frank

Alana Porter

Traci El

Lindsey Delisle Prosperie

Hanna Wolf

Rachel Rowles

Becci Ravera

Arika Jones

Dana Whitley

Kailey Nagymarosi

Chelsea Marie Wert

Anna Hurley

Anca Clivet

Sanna Töykkälä

Unraveled Artist of the Year:

Kristen Taylor

Congratulations on being named one of Unraveled’s Artists of the Year, Kristen! This image is so beautifully and creatively composed and leaves so much wonder!

Kristen Taylor