Unraveled Expert Artist Interview | Paula Richelle, UEA

Unraveled Expert Artist Interview | Paula Richelle, UEA

We are thrilled to welcome our girl, Paula Richelle to the blog today! Paula is a staple in the Unraveled community. She is a sponge and avid learner – attending events, taking online workshops and soaking up every course and opportunity she can. Even better, she’s hardworking and a cheerleader for everyone.

Paula is also a wedding photographer who dabbles in other types of photography from time to time. Newly divorced and thriving is the way we like to describe her. She was married for 21 years, raised six kids and home schooled for 16 years. Photography ended up being the thing that gave Paula the courage she needed to leave her marriage and seek out a whole new life. She has been with the Unraveled Academy since the beginning of her photography career and it is literally where she has learned everything that she knows about photography and where she has found some of the best forever friends. Paula loves pineapple on pizza, thinks that cheesy romantic comedies are the best movies in existence, she is an optimist, believes that tacos should be for dinner every night and happily ever after can really happen.

For more inspiration from Paula:

Instagram | Website

Here is Paula, Unraveled…

What inspires your art?

Love and connection is always what inspires me.

What do you shoot with? Camera body and favorite lens?

Love and connection is always what inspires me.

What other ways do you express your creativity?

I used to dabble in so many crafts and painting and now I am just focusing on photography.

How do you de-stress at the end of the day?

I either sing loudly (and horribly) to old 80's music in my car or I sit in front of the tv and binge watch Netflix.

What kind of music do you listen to while editing?


I either sing loudly (and horribly) to old 80's music in my car or I sit in front of the tv and binge watch Netflix.

What is your favorite book?

I used to read, a lot. I can't pick a favorite book, but Ernest Hemingway and Jane Austin are two of my favorite authors. Talk about eclectic!

Name one movie that inspires you.

Pride and Prejudice inspires me visually, but the new Top Gun movie inspired me in life.

How do you handle self-doubt or creative slumps?

I still really struggle here. Thankfully I have the Unraveled Academy and the friends that I have made here to help build me up when I am struggling. The small groups that UA set up have been life changing for me.

What has been the most difficult part of your creative journey?

Confidence. I always hold back a little and try to remain small...not intentionally, but it is what I do.

What is your favorite pizza topping?

Pineapple! I know that isn't a real pizza topping, but I love it.

What is your most favorite kind of light and why?

Backlight is my favorite. It is so dreamy when I catch it at just the right angle. My second favorite is overcast days. I love the soft, diffused light that the overcast creates here in Southern California.

Who is one of your favorite photographers?

Oh gosh! I have so many favorites now, but my favorite from the beginning of my journey was Sarah Discroll. Her portraits will forever be my favorite.

What is your favorite course or lesson at Unraveled?

My favorite lesson was Ace Fanning's Senior Course. I learned a ton about photography and light in that course. The Workshop that helped me the most as an artist was Outliers.

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