Unraveled Academy

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Unraveled Expert Artist Interview, Melanie Dalton, UEA

We are beyond thrilled to welcome Melanie Dalton to the blog and as one of our newest Unraveled Expert Artists!! Melanie’s work is timeless and nostalgic. Her black and whites are swoon worthy, AND she’s just a really great person. We were lucky enough to meet her in-person at two different Unraveled events and she’s just starting to feel like part of the gang. We are lucky to have her!

She is an Atlanta based portrait and family photographer. Raised in Southern California, Mel found herself assimilating to the southern way of life after taking a job as a flight attendant right out of college and settling in Georgia. She's been married for damn near 20 years (gulp) and has three super sweet, youngish kids. Mel loves her family and friends, never says no to a game of tennis, doesn't make promises she can't keep and loves to be everyone's cheerleader.

For more inspiration from Melanie:

Instagram | Website | Facebook

Here is Melanie, Unraveled…

What inspires your art? 

Many things inspire my art- nature, light, sometimes an article of clothing or accessory will spark an idea, but more than anything it's people. Every job I've ever had, starting as a teenager, involved working with people. Through the years I've learned to read my audience, know when I should push harder or back off and when it's best to let things unfold naturally. Everything I've learned about people while working customer service flows organically into photography, and I love to let the natural tendencies of people lead me and my art.

What do you shoot with? Camera body and favorite lens? 

Canon 6d Mark ii with my Canon 35mm 1.4L is my jam. One day mirrorless but working with what I've got for now.

What other ways do you express your creativity?

Creativity has always been an integral part of me. I love to get creative while cooking- who says recipes must be followed to a tee? I am a master thrifter, estate sale shopper and general junker. I will repurpose anything- in ways you probably would not expect. I love to take my finds and decorate my house. I spend a lot of time creating out in my yard- shopping for plants, deciding what will look best together, planting and watching them grow (or sometimes die).

How do you de-stress at the end of the day? 

Books, TV, WINE. I love to read and pull a ton of inspiration from books. I'm also known to obsess over a good TV show- especially when it includes men like Jamie Fraser (any Outlander fans out there?).

What kind of music do you listen to while editing? 

Not much. There's generally so much noise happening in my house that I choose to keep things silent on my end. When I do turn it on, it's usually all things Dixie Chicks!

What is your favorite book? 

Tough one, but I think I have to choose Beach Music by Pat Conroy

Name one movie that inspires you. 

Corny as it might sound, I've always been obsessed with the movie Beaches. It always inspires me to feel deeper and love harder and reminds me to show up when I'm needed, cause time is fleeting.

How do you handle self-doubt or creative slumps? 

I let myself have a pity party when I need one. They generally don't last long and I'm not one to wallow, so when I feel the doubt creeping in I just let myself feel it. I process it, feel sorry for myself for a minute and then I move on.

What has been the most difficult part of your creative journey?

Believing that I'm not too old to do this. Believing that, despite my age, my work is relevant and there's an audience out there for me. So much of this is wrapped up in social media and I look forward to the day when my 12 year old will do all that for me, cause this lady right here is on the social media struggle bus. Thank God google tells me how to do things on Instagram!

What is your favorite pizza topping?

ALL the things!! Pile it on!

What is your most favorite kind of light and why?

I love that soft light right after the sun goes behind the trees- you can't see it anymore but it's there and I know it's there because of the beautiful way it illuminates my subject. Give it ten minutes and it's blue hour, but those minutes leading up to blue hour are my favorite. I love that soft glow you get from it.

Who is one of your favorite photographers? 

There's so many, but I'd say for her fine art work, Deb Schwedhelm ranks very high on my list.

What is your favorite course or lesson at Unraveled? 

I'm slightly obsessed with Mari Trancoso. I'd watch her lesson on how to change dirty diapers if she had one, so I'd have to pick Entangled Love Stories with Mari Trancoso.