Ashly Collins, Unraveled | An Interview
Ashly is exactly what you think, and nothing you expected. She has a kind heart, a sailors mouth, and the skills of a magician. Real magic. Not illusions. She values her photography community, and her clients and works tirelessly for the betterment of both, fueled by the power of finding beauty in the everyday. When she is not behind a camera she is at home with her two daughters and high school sweetheart in a sweet little town in West Virginia with their two cats.
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Here is Ashly, Unraveled…
What inspired your art?
I was inspired by my family- hands down. The reason I started was my husband joined the military and we had just had a baby, 2 months old. He was going to be gone for 6-8months while our little miracle was growing. He knew my love for photography was already there and purchased a small dslr for me before he left. I was able to document all the little moments he missed and share them with him. That’s when I learned how important it is- how there is a story that doesn’t need words inside us.
What do you shoot with? Camera body and favorite lens?
I shoot with a Sony a7iii and a Zeiss 35mm. I just made the switch in May and I truly will never go back.
What other ways do you express your creativity?
Does colorful language count? I’m only joking, but styling is a way I love to express myself, or planning styled shoots just whatever I can dream up.
How do you de-stress at the end of the day?
I read, I love to read getting lost in a book is one of those things I do for me- and me only.
What kind of music do you listen to while editing?
Alina bazar & Galimatias Radio on Panera is my jam!
What is your favorite book?
Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert And the harry potter series and basically any detective books I love a good mystery. But number 1 will always be Big Magic. I still get chills listening to it.
How do you handle self-doubt or creative slumps?
I plan a shoot for me, no expectations, no pressure just something for me. It gets me in the moment and out of my head.
What has been the most difficult part of your creative journey?
Feeling worthy and guilt. The feeling worthy is a hard thing when there are SO many talented people its so hard not to get into the comparison slump. And guilt is a hard one I feel guilty for all the things. Its a spiraling circle. I LOVE my job so I feel like I should be doing it every second of every day and then feel guilty when I dont, or spend time with my family.
Who is one of your favorite photographers?
Kylie farmer is MAGIC. I don’t even know how she does it. She’s sweet and amazing and then Ann Long Photography