Bree Friesen, Unraveled | An Interview
We are stoked that to have a new behind-the-scenes video in the Academy on wrapping newborns. This is a super tricky and sometimes overwhelming skill to master. Lucky for us, newborn photographer and ninja, Bree Friesen has stepped in to share all her tip and tricks.
Bree is a wife, mother and artist located in Rocky Mountain House, Alberta, Canada. We are excited to share her interview here so you can all get to know the lady behind the art and we hope you dig her as much as we do.
To learn from Bree and many other inspiring artists, join the Academy for only $15.00 a month.
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Here is Bree Friesen, Unraveled…
What inspired your art?
Drama. There is no lifestyle chops in me. I love theatrics, with a unique & quirky vibe.
Newborn photography is something I took on to stay busy during Alberta winters. I used to get in horrible ruts during the winter, and having this side job has helped. It isn’t the most appreciated genre, but it is the most challenging of all genres I’ve tried. And. Babies smell good.
What do you shoot with?
Camera body and favorite lens? Canon 5D Mark IV, Canon 35mm 1.4 /Canon 85mm 1.2
What other ways do you express your creativity?
Home decorating is a love of mine...and it directly ties in with the Newborn genre. Styling a shoot is the most fun part!
How do you de-stress at the end of the day?
A glass of wine, and a good TV show.
What kind of music do you listen to while editing?
Florence & The Machine, Sia. They inspire my photography.
What is your favorite book?
I loved Big Magic. I’ve read it 3 times.
Name one movie that inspires you.
The Mountain Between Us.
How do you handle self-doubt or creative slumps?
I make myself try new things. I am forever putting myself out of my comfort zone.
I also participate in photo challenges, they help me to think creatively, and to expand my skill set.
What has been the most difficult part of your creative journey?
Self doubt., it is a never-ending struggle for me.
Who is one of your favorite photographers?
Sue Sonnenberg. Dawndra Budd. Helen Whittle. Twyla Jones. Olga Levin. I could go on!